A UNESCO Biosphere is a place where people share a way of living with nature that builds a future to be proud of.
Benefits include:
- A boosted economy
- More and better areas for nature
- New solutions to climate change issues
- Better promotion of a Fenland identity
- Better access to nature and its benefits
- Inspired and empowered residents
Residents: could get involved in nature conservation and help create better places for people and nature.

Farmers: could get more information about new farming ideas and innovative methods be able to visit local trials of these techniques. The possibility of Biosphere branded products will be investigated.
Conservation bodies: the Buffer Zone will provide opportunities for increased conservation activities to take place which will protect the vital Core Zones.
Local businesses: could benefit from Biosphere branding and increased learning about new business ideas and solutions.
Local Authorities and decision makers: the Biosphere will be a means for delivering their sustainable development ambitions and increasing the economic growth of a region.
Water managers: will gain further support for their duties to improve the environment.
Biospheres also help achieve the global ambitions for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.