The Fens Biosphere vision…

Boosting the Local Economy

Encouraging Innovation

Improving the Environment

Enabling Climate Resilience

Empowering Communities

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What is a Biosphere?

A Biosphere is a special status awarded by UNESCO to a unique and valuable landscape. Biospheres connect people, economies and nature to create a secure future we can all look forward to. They are about developing new ways of living, exploring new ideas and working together.

Our Biosphere

The Fens Biosphere will give global recognition to a unique and valuable area.


  • Sustainable growth for future generations
  • Sharing valuable professional knowledge and expertise
  • Boosting the Local Economy
  • Encouraging Innovation
  • Improving the Environment

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Myth busters

  • Is a Biosphere the same as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or a National Park?
    No. These are protected areas for conservation. Biospheres are not protected areas (apart from the already protected Core Zones) and as such can’t prohibit any activity.

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Biosphere Area

The geographical boundaries of the proposed Fens Biosphere have been built around the following key aspects of this landscape:

  • Peat Soils
  • Ditch and Waterways network
  • Farming and land use
  • Internationally important lowland wetland habitats
  • Urban centres

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We have a wide range of maps which outline the area and various aspects of the Biosphere.

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